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Peru Info

Lima: Lima City of Kings

.: Lima City of Kings :.

over 400 years,it was called as the Kings city by the conqueror Francisco Pizarro. Today, that same city that rose the indigenous Taulichusco headman's lands, is a metropolis of over 7 million inhabitants, that preserves his convents and colonial big houses, aged and noble tradition's symbols proudly.

Founded the January 18, 1535, Lima, the capital of the Peru, is a modern city in constant growth , but that have known how to maintain at the same time, its Historic Center, declared for the UNESCO like Cultural Patrimony of humanity, to be a last epoch's charming pool, cornered of incomparable artistic monuments.

The Cathedral, that began to be built the same day of the foundation of the city; The Church and San Francisco's Convent, considered for your unit of volume and color the architectonic set more achieved of Spanish America, and St. Domingo, with a beautiful principal cloister, they are only some of the jewels of incalculable value of the old Lima. the churches of Lima evidence the faith of its people,the Big Houses, like the Aliaga house , build on the portable retable of the curaca Taulichusco; Goyoneche house or Rada, of clear of French influences ; And Torre Tagle's Palace, the XVIIIth century's most beautiful principled mansion; The splendor and the pompous symbolize virreinal kind of life .

Located at the banks of the river Rímac and caressed for Pacific Ocean waters , the city of Lima keeps also proofs of the period of the pre-Hispanic epoch, being the most important Pachacamac's great sanctuary, the one in which the God of the same name And the huaca Pucllana, at the district of Miraflores, an important administrative center of lima culture ( 400 a.C.).

For his indigenous roots that inherited this name of lima comes from the Aymara word limac or limac huayta that designates a yellow flower; Or of the Quechua rimac, that means talker,its colonial past that inculcated the faith, its touch of modernity that projects it to the future and for the holiday character that colors the eternal gray sky, lima will always be, the Kings' City.

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