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Peru Info

Ica: Pisco and Paracas

.: Pisco and Paracas :.

Length        : 2 days / 1 nigths

Height         : 300 m.s.n.m

Fate            : Pisco and Paraca`s National Reserve

Season        : All year

Recommendations: A small backpack, hats for the sun, camera and batteries, water bottle.


feel The warmth of this port city that gave its name to national drinking of the Peru, the Pisco Sour. The stop is conceited forced for all those who visit Paracas, the only maritime protected area of Peru. This bay is refuge for various species like sea lions , penguins, whales, dolphins and hundreds of residents and migrant sea birds. You will have the opportunity to observe the incredible beauty of this reserve from the sea and from the beach, just like Paracas will know more about an one belonging to the pre-Inca more important cultures, the culture in this journey and at the same time you will relax surrounded of this amaze natural landscape.


All our programs can be modified according to their requests, like tour's duration, interests or specific activities, stock of flights or other additional destinations.

Day 01: Lima - National Paracas's Reserve

too early in the morningWe will pick you up of your hotel and will transfer you to the bus station to take your bound for Pisco's city. Once you are received at the selected hotel . we will visit the Julio C. Tello museum of the place , where will observe fine ceramics pieces and the famous polychromatic linen goods made by Paracas culture . You can visit the cathedral and the beautiful beaches Little Lagoons and Athens, where you will enjoy the sun and of the sea. Then we return to the hotel in Pisco.
Nutrition: No one

Day 02: National Paracas's Reserve - Ballestas Islands

Early on the morning an excursion to Paracas's Peninsula, the more important Peruvian Coast's sanctuary of wild life . were we can take for a walk on the Islands Ballestas, in National Paracas's reserve, where sealions, penguins, pelicans, penguins and another one will be able to observe sea birds. We will have opportunity to see to the return the Chandelier, one giant figure of the style of the Lines of Nazca made in sand. Free time before returning of taking photos to the sea lions, the seals and sea birds. then we transferyou to the bus station to return to Lima.
Nutrition: breakfast.

"Un paso por segundo es el ritmo promedio de todas las actividades NANTIKA TOURS"


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